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If you are somewhat new to Print Competitions it can be challenging to understand what constitutes an image worthy of Merit per the PPA guidelines. The PPA has some great resources about this topic, though sometimes its hard to beat seeing an example!

The collection of images on this page were provided by the Artist as images that Merited in an official competition. We encourage you to take a detailed look at each image and identify the items in each image that qualify it as worthy of Merit.

Last we have a collection of images that received a Merit vote at the most recent competition.

Examples of Merited Images provided by Cindy Shaver

Cindy is a PPA Master Photographer, a member of our local guild, and we thank her for allowing us to share her images.

Recent Awards Include:

2021 Grand Imaging Award finalist in the Master Artist category in the International Print Competition.

2020 Grand Imaging Award finalist in the Senior Portrait category in the International Print Competition;  Gold Medal in International Print Competition

2018, 2017 Mississippi/Alabama Master Photographer of the Year, 3 judges choice awards, 2 Buddy Steward Awards, 2 Best Portrait awards

2017 Mississippi/Alabama CPP Award

and many more

Examples of Merited Images provided by Corey McDonald

Corey is a PPA Master Photographer, a member of our local guild and we thank him for allowing us to share his images.

Recent Awards Include:

2021 SYNC Photographer of the Year (1st & 3rd Place Theme, Sport or Hobby, 2nd Place Portrait, 3rd Place Composite.

2021 Hot 100 - Senior Style Guide - Top 100 Senior Photographer Worldwide

2018 International Photographic Competition 2x Loan Collection

and many more.

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